The I Congress on management of EU-funded health research projects


08 Novembre 2016 10:00

The I Congress on management of EU-funded health research projects

The I Congress on Coordination and Management of EU-funded Health Research Projects will be held on November 8th, 2016; at the “Fundación para la Investigatión del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana” (INCLIVA, in Valencia.

It is included in the activities of the European Health Projects Office - Valencia Region ( Its mission is to promote international initiatives in health research institutes and clinical foundations, in order to create an environment that supports the internationalization of our research, influencing the translation of technology and knowledge to the society.

The main objective of this workshop consists of sharing good practises and previous experiences about how to promote, to manage and to coordinate successfully a European project. We expect to gather an interesting group of different stakeholders that are enrolled in international projects, such us: researchers, R+D managers and companies among others.

There will be 2 parallel activities during the congress:

• Poster session to diseminate project results
• Bilateral meeting to maximize networking

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