Albania - consultancy for development of solar power

Fotovoltaico in AlbaniaInvitation for expressions of interest for consultancy services to support the Government of Albania for development of solar powered capacities. The assignment is expected to start in the second quarter of 2018.

Malawi - supply of goods for education development

Malawi - supply of goods for education development

Africa - Photo credit USAID Africa BureauThe assignment regards the supply of furniture for schools in Malawi.

India - consulting service for skills development project

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

India - consulting service for skills development project

Indian businessman - CC0 Public DomainThe consulting company will work to modernize vocational training system in Madhya Pradesh.

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Ukraine - works for safety upgrade program of nuclear power

Nuclear power - Author Stefan KühnInvitation to tender for the supply of works in Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Pakistan - contract notice for communication experts

Pakistan - Photo credit: openDemocracy via / CC BY-SAThe contract aims at improving EU's image in Pakistan through effective communication strategies.

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Poland - consultancy for capital market development

Poland - Photo credit: User:MateuszEs, User:KpalionThe consulting company will work within a project aimed at strengthening the role of the Polish capital market.

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Horizon 2020 - ERC Consolidator Grants, call 2018

ResearchThe call 2018 for ERC Consolidator Grants is now open.

> Horizon 2020 - EU Prize for Women Innovators 2017 

> Horizon 2020 – prizes for energy efficiency

Turkey - consulting services for public transport

Sulaymaniyah Mosque, Istanbul Turkey - Harold LitwilerThe assignment concerns the supply of technical assistance within a public transport development project in Istanbul.

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Ghana - consulting services for public finance management improvement

GhanaThe assignment concerns the provision of technical assistance for improving public finance management in Ghana.

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Nepal - consulting firm for climate resilient investments in roads

Nepal - Photo credit: Lenny K Photography via / CC BYTechnical assistance for geohazard risk management and resilient road asset management in Nepal.

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Ukraine - selection of marketing experts opens

Belarus - supply contract notice for goods and works

Gestione ambientale - Photo credit: WalterPro4755 via / CC BYWorks are needed for a project aimed at modernising air quality and radiation monitoring infrastructure.

Ukraine - selection of marketing experts opens

Kenya - selection of consultants for legal assistance